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Monday, November 5, 2012

Characteristics that Make a Good Parent.

It takes a lot to be a parent. It takes a lot of time, sacrifice, and you need to have a lot of good characteristics. 

I think that the most important characteristic to have when you are a parent is to be very loving. You should always show your kids that you love them and that you would do anything for them. I think that kids learn from what they see, so if they grow up in a loving environment then they will grow up to be loving people. Also you should really make sure your kids know that you love them. You might know it, but if you never say "I love you" or if you don't give them hugs and those sorts of things, then they might know that you love them, but they won't really feel  loved. Also I think that kids just like to hear a parent say "I love you", just like a parent likes to hear their kid say "I love you".

I believe that parents should be VERY encouraging to their kids. It is really important to show your kids encouragement and show that you believe in them, even if what your kids want to be is the exact opposite of what you want them to be. You should always try and remember that what they want matters and try to be encouraging of it.  If kids don't think that people, especially people as important to them as their parents, believe in them then they will have trouble believing in themselves. Not only does encouragement help them believe in their self, but when people believe in you and you believe in yourself it makes want ever you are trying to do or what you are trying to reach so much easier! I believe that part of being encouraging is trust, not the kind of trust such as trusting your kids to go out with their friends and trust they won't do anything wrong, although that's important to do too. But you have to know how to trust that your kids know what they want.

A very important characteristic of being a parent is being a good listener. Kids will most likely be more open with their parents if they know that they will listen to them if they want to tell them something. Plus, when kids are more open with their parents that creates a better relationship. I also think that you should listen to your kids no matter what they want to talk about. Meaning if they are talking about something that happened at school or if they are talking about something important and heartfelt. 

I really do believe that it takes a lot to be a parent, but i think it would make it easier and better if you are loving, encouraging, trusting, and you are always a good listener. 


  1. Dear Taylor,

    I just wanted you to know that I love you so much!! You are the BEST! I'm such a lucky Mom to have you as my daughter! You are talented and smart in so many ways, and you can do anything you set your mind to...even if it's not something that I want you to do. ;-) Well, that's about it...You are trying to tell me something, so I should probably stop typing and listen! LOL! But first...I love you!!!

    <3 Mom



Trinity Academy

Trinity Academy is the name of my school, we got to name it ourselves since I am homeschooled. I like homeschooling a lot and I am excited this year because my cousins are being homeschooled too! Come back and see what I doing.(:

Taylor@Trinity Photography

I really like taking pictures and I have a really good opportunity to learn how to take good pictures and really learn how to use the camera because I am homeschooled. I hope you like them!(:

Trinity Farm

About two years ago my dad decided that he wanted to start a little farm. Our farm started out with three cows and has now progressed to 10 beef cows, a milk cow, and 15 chickens. The only animals out of all of these that are mine are two of the chickens, their names are Omelet and Eleanor. I will put some pictures of our animals and tell you if we get anymore! Make sure you stay updated.

Just Taylor

There's a lot that I could tell you about me and you can read a lot of it in my About Me bio. Just a little bit though, is that I am thirteen, homeshooled, and I live on a farm(: Stay tuned and you will get to see what's going on in my life.