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Tuesday, August 28, 2012

CNN Student News August 28th, 2012

The 2012 Republican Convention is being held in Tampa Florida. The Convention was really supposed to start on Sunday, but because of the storm, Isaac, they had to postpone it until today. Hosting a national convention as big as this one is probably a really big deal for the area. Lots of tourists will be coming in from around the world. With all the tourists Tampa will be bringing in a lot of money from places such as hotels and restaurants. There has to be a lot of preparing for this sort of event because there has to be available places for all the people that are coming. More importantly there has to be a place for the convention to be held, meaning a building must be built with all the things equipped for the convention in it.

There were approximately three hundred earthquakes that hit in the area of Southern California on Sunday. Most of them were minor, but the biggest one had a magnitude of 5.5. Earthquakes are very dangerous because they could be big or small and you never have a warning about when they are coming. People need to prepare for earthquakes if they know they are living in an area prone to them. Ways that they could prepare for an earthquake is knowing what to do when an earthquake hits, having extra food, water, batteries, flashlights, blankets, etc.

Kliptown is an area in South Africa that is not doing good at all in ways of the economy. There is no electricity, low amounts of food and water, and almost all of the people live in shacks. The criminal rate in the area is very high, as is the school drop out rate. Many of the children in this area drop out of school because they don't have enough money to buy school supplies or uniforms. Thulani Madondo helps these children. He founded a foundation that helps pay for children school supplies, uniforms, and the foundation tutors children as well. I'm sure it is very hard for him to accomplish these things since there are so many children in Kliptown and he himself didn't finish school. Thulani is doing this so these kids will have an education and he is very determined. Because of this I think that he will be able to accomplish what he plans on doing to help them. With all his efforts at educating these children Thlulani will help thousands of kids do something with their life. They might be able to become a doctor, nurse, a lawyer, or whatever they set their minds to.

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Trinity Academy

Trinity Academy is the name of my school, we got to name it ourselves since I am homeschooled. I like homeschooling a lot and I am excited this year because my cousins are being homeschooled too! Come back and see what I doing.(:

Taylor@Trinity Photography

I really like taking pictures and I have a really good opportunity to learn how to take good pictures and really learn how to use the camera because I am homeschooled. I hope you like them!(:

Trinity Farm

About two years ago my dad decided that he wanted to start a little farm. Our farm started out with three cows and has now progressed to 10 beef cows, a milk cow, and 15 chickens. The only animals out of all of these that are mine are two of the chickens, their names are Omelet and Eleanor. I will put some pictures of our animals and tell you if we get anymore! Make sure you stay updated.

Just Taylor

There's a lot that I could tell you about me and you can read a lot of it in my About Me bio. Just a little bit though, is that I am thirteen, homeshooled, and I live on a farm(: Stay tuned and you will get to see what's going on in my life.